Filter Cartridges

The water of the network in its course from the source to the tap of our house entrains soil, rust, asbestos fibers, and various other small particles that are detached from the pipes of the city network or the rusty pipes of our house and due to ignorance end up in in our organisation. These are easily retained with a good filter and are visible to the naked eye, so in the first maintenance we see some of what used to go through our body.

With the on top and under the sink water filter cartridges we can ensure a targeted and effective water filtration of the tap water. The installation is quick and easy.

The user can choose from a range that covers many different needs. They offer many possibilities for customization and expansion, using 10” filters (the standard of the world market).

There is a choice through a wide variety of filters depending on the filtering that the user wants to perform. This way it can configure and maintain the system for many years easily and economically.

To meet the great need for filtered water, there is the possibility of choice through the high-capacity filter cases.

High-capacity filters can be installed both in the main supply and at the point of consumption under the counter.

In this way we can meet the requirements for filtered water, in cafes, restaurants, professional hotel kitchens, industries etc ..


Water filtration system FP3-HJ-K1 4 stage Aqua Filter

FP3-HJ-K1, is a complete and powerful water filtration system under the sink.

Water filtration system FHCTF2 2 stage Aqua Filter

Water filtration system for on top Aqua Filter FHCTF2, a convenient solution.


Triple Water filtration system large supply Big Blue length 20″

Perfect choice for industrial use and in cases with high water consumption.

2 Years Silver Warrany in all products of Aqua Pure & Aqua Filter

The warranty covers the replacement (spare parts) of the parts that the Manufacturer or its Dealer has identified as defective, stating that this replacement can be done with new spare parts, new parts or remanufactured parts at the discretion of the Manufacturer. Covers all Aqua Filter Company products purchased from Puredry Hellas EU or any of its official resellers in Greece.